Holy Habits - A Short Introduction
Whole-church discipleship approach
Holy Habits is a way of life for those exploring or already actively living out the call of Jesus to ‘follow me’. It is a way of life for all ages and cultures; a way of life based on Luke’s portrait of the community of followers of Jesus that we see in Acts 2:42–47; a way of life that nurtures whole-life, missional discipleship; a way of life that, when lived faithfully day by day and fruitfully both personally and collectively, encourages others to join the adventure of following Jesus.
The Holy Habits Prayer
‘Endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us…’
Gracious and ever-loving God, we offer our lives to you. Help us always to be open to your Spirit in our thoughts and feelings and actions. Support us as we seek to learn more about those habits of the Christian life which, as we practise them, will form in us the character of Jesus by establishing us in the way of faith, hope and love.