How BRF became involved in Holy Habits
Olivia Warburton, Head of Content Creation
In the spring of 2017, we were approached by Richard Andrew of the Methodist Church. He wanted to talk to us about Holy Habits and, specifically, the materials that the Birmingham Methodist Circuit had recently piloted in their local churches. These materials comprised an introductory guide and ten booklets, each exploring a different Holy Habit, through reflections, worship resources, group material and activities, stories to show the habit practices to help form the habit, arts and media suggestions and questions to consider as a church.

Olivia Warbuton (right) and Karen Laister
Richard was keen for these resources to reach a wider audience and, because of BRF’s track record in publishing across a broad range of traditions, he offered them to us. Working with Andrew Roberts, the author of the original Holy Habits book, and the team of writers who had put the pilot materials together, we worked fast to publish our own editions the following January.
There was a real sense of momentum in Holy Habits and, almost at once, we started thinking about how to develop additional resources to complement the original materials. In particular, we saw the need to provide Bible reading notes and small group study guides on each of the habits, to make it as easy as possible for churches and individuals to begin their Holy Habits journey. These new resources are publishing over the next few months, with further ideas in the pipeline. We hope you enjoy them and find them useful!
Karen Laister, Head of Marketing and Communications
As the publication date for the Holy Habits church resources drew close, the Marketing team invited Andrew Roberts to meet with us to discuss ideas for promoting the series. When Andrew began talking about the Holy Habits story, it was clear that we weren’t just marketing a range of resources, but rather this was about a way of life modelled on practices described in Acts 2:42–47. Andrew’s visit influenced the way that we’ve marketed and promoted Holy Habits to churches ever since.
At the heart of Holy Habits is the idea that if you do something habitually, it eventually becomes second nature. Thus, the habits need to be formed and embedded over several years. It will take a huge commitment of time and resources to implement Holy Habits across the life of a church. Holy Habits is about adopting a way of life that changes the way we follow Jesus and live our lives as a Christian community.
The videos introducing Holy Habits help churches to plan and launch the programme.
We have created this website because we want it to be a place where church leaders can find out more about the Holy Habits programme: the methodology and how they can implement the programme in their church. We also want it to be a place where churches share their Holy Habits stories and celebrate what God is doing in and through Holy Habits and the shared commitment to live as an intentional Christian community based on the discipleship model found in Acts 2:42-47.
Please share your Holy Habit stories with us and let us know what content you would like to be able to find here.
We hope and pray that those who embrace the Holy Habits adventure will deepen their own discipleship and be enabled to fulfil the call to make more disciples.