Holy Habits: 02 Planning and preparation including discussion questions
HOLYHABITS: Planning and preparation including discussion questions
Holy Habits project leader Andrew Roberts talks about preparing to launch your Holy Habits journey.
The Acts community was launched in the light and fire of the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost. While we can’t fully replicate that day, experience is showing that a good launch for a Holy Habits adventure gives energy and enthusiasm to the journey that follows. A time associated with new beginnings works well (e.g. September or January; many churches have chosen Pentecost).
Embodying and demonstrating the values of Holy Habits at a launch event is important. Location is significant, too, with a number of good launches being intentionally in venues other than churches (hotels, colleges, conference centres) to stress the missional significance of Holy Habits. For those who are part of a smaller church, a local pub or village hall could work well, particularly if you start with a meal and look first at Eating Together.
Perhaps most Holy Habits journeys have begun with a special act of worship, and these have typically been very colourful and creative – again, rather like the day of Pentecost.
To hear about how people started, read individual stories.