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Holy Habits home groups

We recently ran two series of online home groups using videos produced by BRF to explore some of the Holy Habits in context. Find out how we used a combination of Holy Habits books and videos within an online community, and how you can use the model in your own home groups online or in person.

Holy Habits: Following Jesus

For seven weeks starting on Shrove Tuesday in 2021, we explored the life and passion of Jesus, drawing on Andrew Roberts’ book, Holy Habits: Following Jesus in an online home group.

The home group took place on Facebook, within a Holy Habits: Following Jesus Facebook group. Each week we watched one episode of a series of six short videos which unpacked some of the themes of the Holy Habits: Following Jesus book and provided discussion points and prompts for prayer. After watching the video of the week, we spent some time in a Facebook Live session sharing our thoughts about the video and the book.

Introducing the new online Holy Habits home group: Following Jesus

Introducing the new online Holy Habits home group: Following Jesus

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During the seventh week of the home group, Holy Week, we used seven short daily reflections presented by Andrew and met each day of the week for 30 minutes to discuss.


The series videos are available for you to use in your home group via the links below. We recommend using the videos with the Holy Habits: Following Jesus book.

Run your own Holy Habits: Following Jesus Lent group:

  • Each week during Lent, watch one of the Holy Habits: Following Jesus videos presented by Andrew Roberts

  • Explore some of the questions posed by Andrew at the end of the video with your group

  • Tips for leaders: find further reflections, questions for whole-group conversations, song suggestions, prayers and take-home ideas in Holy Habits: Following Jesus

  • During Holy Week, watch (or share) one of the Holy Week videos with your group each day. If you do not meet daily during Holy Week, be sure to provide an opportunity for the group to share their thoughts about the video.

Holy Habits home group: Sharing Resources

In the spring of 2020, Andrew Roberts led our first eight-week online Holy Habits home group. Following the UK’s first lockdown due to Covid-19, Andrew and the online community explored the holy habit of Sharing Resources: arguably one of the most important habits to develop as we seek as Christians to make a difference in our current circumstances, responding faithfully and creatively in the light of Jesus’ example. The series particularly explored how we could share resources in the context of the pandemic.

During each of the eight sessions the online community watched a pre-recorded video presented by Andrew in the Holy Habits: Sharing Resources Facebook group, before joining a 30-minute Facebook Live conversation with him.


The series videos are available for you to use in your home group via the link below. We recommend using them with the Holy Habits Group Studies: Sharing Resources booklet.

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Twitter - White Circle
  • Instagram - White Circle
  • YouTube - White Circle

Holy Habits

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